Sunday, March 23, 2008

Birthday Book

As some of you know, my memory is horrible. I didn't send my brother in law a card for about 3 months after his birthday. Pretty sad. So, I made these pages up and plan to put all our birthdays on them to keep me in the loop. Ellie helped me put the stickers on with all the names and the dates on them.
April and May
June and July
October and November
and my favorite December. Let me know when your birthdays are so I can add it to my list, or you will get a blank stare from me on your birthday.


Tara G. said...

My b-day is NOvember 9th...hehe. What a great idea. Where do you keep the pages at? In a scrapbook??

Can we make bows when I come out? Those look really cute.

danielle and jason said...

what a great idea and super cute!

Joey and Nettifer said...

adorable! check you out crafty! It was fun the other day at your house.

Kim said...

love it! i've been wanting to do something like that, but yours is way cuter than i'd even imagined! i might be calling you for days